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WolfWare is a system of organizing course materials used by many departments across the NC State campus and available to all those who teach a course at NC State.  WolfWare is used to host individual websites for specific courses at NC State.  Teachers can upload notes, homework, grades, and many other resources for students to access.  For more information on WolfWare, visit http://www.eos.ncsu.edu/news/articles/02/08/16wolfware.html.
[[WolfWare| WolfWare Classic]] is a system of organizing course materials used by many departments across the NC State campus and available to all those who teach a course at NC State.  WolfWare is used to host individual websites for specific courses at NC State.  Teachers can upload notes, homework, grades, and many other resources for students to access.  
==Instructional Technology==
NC State is pleased to introduce Elluminate Live!, a suite of synchronous learning tools for teaching and learning with technology. Elluminate Live! will complement NC State's enterprise learning management systems - Vista and WolfWare. This Synchronous Learning support site provides users with information about the Elluminate Live! beta program, training, and support for NC State faculty and students.
Synchronous tools allow faculty and students to interact in real-time. NC State faculty have used synchronous learning tools in a variety of ways to support student-centered learning.
[[WebAssign| WebAssign]] is a online homework system used by many courses throughout NC State.  For a $10 fee, students can access homework problems posted by professors and submit them online for grading.
*application file sharing with live demonstrations and guided practice
==Instructional Technology==
*live audio/video
See http://delta.ncsu.edu/learning-technology/learning-management-systems/
*virtual office hours
*student workgroups
*guided problem-solving sessions
*guest speakers
*text chat
*quizzing and polling
*virtual labs and problem-solving sessions
==Distance Education==
==Distance Education==
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==Educational Grants==
==Educational Grants==
Educational grants are a source of funding for faculty and staff looking for innovative new ways to reach students.  [[Educational Grants| More information on Educational Grants.]]

Latest revision as of 10:03, 24 June 2014

The university provides two primary online environments for hosting our courses, WolfWare and Vista (WebCT). It is recommended that these environments be utilized for the hosting of NC State courses whenever possible. For courses hosted within the ncsu.edu domain but outside of the context of WolfWare or Vista, the faculty member responsible for the course must ensure that the software and servers hosting the course are compliant with all applicable laws and policies. The laws and policies pertaining to the electronic provision of NC State courses are as follows:

    * Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
    * Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
    * Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    * North Carolina General Statute § 168A-7
    * NCSU REG 04.25.05 - Web Page Accessibility
    * NCSU REG 02.20.1 - Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
    * NCSU POL 08.00.1 - Computer Use Regulations
    * NCSU REG 11.00.1 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA or Buckley Amendment)

NC State course websites may link to and utilize electronic resources and materials hosted outside of the ncsu.edu domain as relevant to the course. However, all websites must comply with FERPA, which means that personally identifiable "education records" may not be accessible to anyone other than the instructor, other NC State officials with a need to know, and their agents (e.g., third party contractors like WebAssign). "Education records" are almost every type of record (1) about a student or former student, and (2) maintained by someone acting on behalf of NC State. Examples include

  • student test scores or grades;
  • assignment submissions, class discussions or comments (where recorded), or other materials produced by students in which the student can be identified; and
  • names of students or other identifying information that is linked to non-directory information such as the course(s) the student is taking

Education records may be shared with others pursuant to voluntary written consent from the student, or to a limited extent among the students enrolled in an online class (see http://www.ncsu.edu/legal/legal_topics/student_privacy.php).

The faculty member in charge of the course is also responsible for making a good faith effort to ensure that any external links from an NC State course meet the accessibility requirements specified by the NC State Web Page Accessibility Regulation.

Course Materials


WolfWare Classic is a system of organizing course materials used by many departments across the NC State campus and available to all those who teach a course at NC State. WolfWare is used to host individual websites for specific courses at NC State. Teachers can upload notes, homework, grades, and many other resources for students to access.


WebAssign is a online homework system used by many courses throughout NC State. For a $10 fee, students can access homework problems posted by professors and submit them online for grading.

Instructional Technology

See http://delta.ncsu.edu/learning-technology/learning-management-systems/

Distance Education

Stub for future DE section of the site?

Educational Grants

Educational grants are a source of funding for faculty and staff looking for innovative new ways to reach students. More information on Educational Grants.