Difference between revisions of "User:Rewood/Locker Info"

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are deprecated.  Please let a systems staff person know of any
are deprecated.  Please let a systems staff person know of any
part-time staff changes as they occur.
part-time staff changes as they occur.

Latest revision as of 14:08, 16 March 2006



As part of our standard locker creation process, all AFS lockers have a couple of groups assigned to them in the form:

 owner-lockername        <- administrative group, owned by the
                            point of contact for the locker
 owner-lockername:staff  <- general user group

For example: the "itecs.systems" AFS locker has the following groups associated with it:

 itecs-systems  <- owned by jayoung
 itecs-systems:staff <- owned by itecs-systems

These pts groups can be used anywhere in the EOS cell, but are primarily meant for the locker.

In addition, we've created some "Global" groups to facilitate access assignments through the lockers for ITECS staff (and is the point of this whole message).

Global Groups


Global groups will be in the form "itecs-admin:something"

The following global groups exist and should be used for assignments to the respective group of eos id's:

 itecs-admin:staff     <- itecs full time staff
 itecs-admin:ptstaff   <- itecs part time staff
 itecs-admin:webadmins <- itecs full time webmasters

Additionally, since lockers exists for the itecs helpdesk and systems group, you can use:

 itecs-helpdesk:staff <- helpdesk staff members
 itecs-systems:staff  <- systems staff members

Please use these groups from here on out. "itecs" and "itecs:staff" are deprecated. Please let a systems staff person know of any part-time staff changes as they occur.