User:Djgreen/Linux Administration
Rename Linux Boxes
If the machine is using dhcp I think you just need to switch in qip and reboot into the new lease / IP / hostname.
If the machine has a static configuration, you need to edit:
with the new values.
Try editing these files:
The hostname should be stored there.
After your box is on the network as the new name, run this command as root:
/usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks --force --activationkey <your_key_here>
Where <your_key_here> comes from the "activationkey" line in the web kickstart file. This will create a new "object" in red hat network.
Get Login Logs
in Linux, they have the /var/log/wtmp file but it is a binary file format. So the recommended interface is to use the last command.
last -n 100 will show the last 100 people who logged in.
You can also specify alternate wtmp files like
last -n 100 -f /var/log/wtmp.1
Controlling Access
It is possible to use pts groups to control access to Realm Linux.
cluster <cell> <PTS group>
is what goes in the config file. You can also hand edit /etc/update.conf if you don't want to re-install a box. It should look like this:
users blah XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX root blah XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX cluster> eos itecs-admin:helpdesk
where you replace the pts group with what group you want to use. If there is more than one pts group then you just add more cluster> lines.
Let us know if you need any further information. see also:
Remote Reinstall of Existing RHEL box
(11:45:53 AM) gsgatlin: djgreen: You can edit /boot/grub/grub.conf and change the default boot item to re-install this workstation.
(11:47:56 AM) gsgatlin: it starts numbering at 0 so if re-install is the first item it would be default=0, then you reboot and it starts installing.
Mount an NTFS drive
- yum -y install ntfs-3g
- installs ntfs kernel driver
- If it can't find that package, run rpm -Uvh to add the EPEL repository as an option for yum
- mount -t ntfs-3g <device> <mount location>
- mounts drive to specified location. if connected by usb, drive will be under /dev/sdc, connected internally should be /dev/sda, though you'll likely have to mount a particular partition, like /dev/sdc2, etc
- the mount location must be an existing folder, so if you want to mount to /mnt/windows, you will have to create that windows folder under /mnt first
- example, mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /mnt, mounts the second partition of a usb ntfs drive under /mnt
- dmesg | tail -##
- gives you the last ## entries from the message buffer. Can use this to figure out if the drive is connected and where.
Add users individually
sudo vi /etc/users.local.base
sudo vi /etc/users.local
- add their unity username
Add sudo
sudo su - visudo
- add as "username ALL=(ALL) ALL"
- any sudo users must also have been added to the two users.local files as well