User:Rewood/Online Tools Overview

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What will Online Tools do for me? These resources are designed to place critical information or services at your disposal and to help you become as productive a computer user and member of the university as possible. What university resources are designed for me? Automated Degree Audit (ADA): Located within the Registration & Records TRACS system, this feature provides a detailed account of each individual student's completed course credits and remaining college and university requirements for graduation. CorporateTime Project: CorporateTime© is a time management program that allows each member of a group to track appointments and to coordinate agenda with other people in the group. Email - Webmail: NC State University provides all students, faculty and staff with email accounts using the IMAP protocol. Messages may be received and composed online with Webmail or with a standard program (e.g., Eudora or Outlook). Email List Services: An email list makes it easy for a group of people to exchange information. A message from a group member that is sent to the list's address is redistributed to everyone who subscribes to the list. Graduate School InfoWeb: This site provides information specifically related to graduate education that cannot be obtained through other resources. Help Knowledgebase: Computing Services maintains an extensive and easy-to-use searchable knowledgebase of answers to computing questions frequently asked at NC State. Users can also submit new questions or check the status of previously submitted requests. Help Desk: Computing Services provides help and consulting services for academic computing at NC State. In cooperation with other computing consultants on campus, they support Eos/Unity, the Unix-based NC State distributed computing network, and its software applications, including SAS. Homework & Course Tools: WebAssign allows you to submit homework, quizzes and tests from any computer that has a connection to the Internet and a Web browser. Many professors use either WolfWare or WebCT as Web-based course-management environments to simplify the development and delivery of online course content. Library E-Reserves: Electronic Reserves give you access to required course readings in full text from a computer with an active Internet connection. The same items are normally available in conventional print form in the Library's Reserve Room. Printing: Resources include a tutorial on printing from a Unity Unix workstation; a logon page to connect you to the campus printing network, and more information about Wolfcopy accounted printing. TRACS & Registration: The Registration & Records TRACS systems grants you online access to personal student data, schedule of classes, degree requirements, transcripts, academic regulations and Web-based course registration.