User:Rewood/Password Security

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Your password is your first, and sometimes your only defense against hacker attack. Your password is your first, and sometimes your only defense against hacker attack. While the completely safe password is probably unusable, you can protect yourself by choosing passwords that can't be easily guessed or determined by "brute force" highspeed testing of letter and number combinations by an attacking computer. Please read the NCSU and other information below for help in choosing passwords. As you read, keep in mind the following tips: * always create a strong password for the administrator account and any user accounts on a computer connected to the Internet * in the NCSU environment, 6-10 characters is a reasonable, effective, usable password length * never use just numbers or just letters * in using a combination of numbers and letters, mix upper and lower case * never use your name, your birthdate, your address, or other numbers or phrases that can be directly connnected with you * don't use mnemonic phrases that you're seen as suggestions on a website--the hackers have those too Change your Unity password online NCSU EOS/Unity password guidelines -- current guidelines and tips U. of Michigan Password Guidelines -- good discussion of password issues Ten Windows Password Myths -- some divergence from the usual thinking but worth consideration