Default Modules
These modules are those modules which we activate on all of our sites across the board.
- WRAP Authentication (custom)
- Custom module created by WolfTech to allow the drupal system to recognize when and to auto login when someone has used WRAP authentication.
- Masquarade
- allows the site admins to troubleshoot permissions issues by "logging in as" another user.
Optional Modules
The following are optional modules which have been tested by us and are supported for use within our drupal sites.
Future Modules
These modules are ones that we're investigating and may support once we've had time to play with them.
Rejected Modules
Just for us to keep note/logs, here are those modules which we've looked at, but rejected. If we're smart, we've noted why the module was rejected.
Current Drupal Sites
- ECE Intranet -- General Administration
- ECE Intranet -- Sponsored Research
- ECE Intranet -- Graduate
- ECE Intranet -- Undergraduate
- WolfTech -- Drupal Development
Initial/Common Site Setups
Need to start listing this out, creating a recipe for our sites... here's a few in no particular order
- Turn on the Full HTML Input format as default. Will stop people from having problems with images and tables in their pages/articles.
- Configure your default content types to not promote to the frontpage -- though this probably isn't an issue if we're changing the frontpage. Need to check on that.
- Change the frontpage from "node" to a page of your choice -- or enable the "front_page" module to force the issue.
- Create initial roles -- site admin, faculty, staff, grad student, ugrad student, and the particular content admins for that site: "Grad Office", "Main Office", "Grants Manager", etc.