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Revision as of 13:56, 16 June 2006 by Djgreen (talk | contribs)
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We need to pull information from CAMS, Surplus, Facilities, and start autopopulating a load of the data in the system. Go ahead and embrace this as a tool for both the SysAdmins and the CAMS coordinators in each dept.

  • Split the active and inactive (retired, surplused) into TWO tables. Should help w/searches, duplicate entries, etc. When retiring/scraping item, it gets physically moved to the inactive table.
  • QIP -- cmdline options. Anyway to use QIPREPORT to dump all of the machines (using guest?). Then using a cronjob, import all of the info into a table. Removes the need for the nslookups in IP Table reports, and speeds up the DNS/IP updates to the machines, and would allow reports -- ie, which machines are using the STARS.NCSU.EDU domain.
  • Reconciliation reports -- looks at CAMS tags and compare against CAMS DB. Looks at serial numbers / CAMS tags and looks for references in the Surplus DB. Use to keep CAMS or MDB up to date.
  • Update Building lists to pull automatically from Facilities building codes -- also then allows you to run reports against CAMS to tell the CAMS coordinators when they need to update info in CAMS (equipment locations).
  • Pull org unit lists -- 140401, OUCs, etc -- use to build the official group lists. Users of MDB then either select which OUCs they belong with? Or we setup these as the primary groups, and they can create associated subgroups. Allows us to yank all CAMS info associated with each group into the system by default. Also able to associate all surplus reports against the reported OUC.
  • Auto populate all CAMS info into the system. Don't classify the items by default. Have a note at the top when there are unclassified items in the DB. Way to recognize when a new item has been pulled from CAMS automatically. Users then go classify the item, and append useful information.