Teaching Labs/1008 EB2

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The Embedded Systems Lab is another lab full of equipment. There are ten computers, multimeters, and oscilloscopes for students to use, one at each workstation. Each workstation is large enough for two students to work together at, and there are two large tables in the center of the room for groups to work together at.

The Embedded Systems Lab is used by ECE 306, Introduction to Embedded Systems, and ECE 561, Embedded System Design. Each class works with embedded systems, but on different levels of depth. ECE 306 introduces students to designing micro-controller based embedded computer systems. The lab sessions will give students experience implement the different designs discussed in class. There will be five different lab problems assigned that will require use of the embedded systems board. ECE 561 takes these concepts learned in 306 and expands on them. These students will design and make embedded computer systems that will be tested for power consumption, speed, and reliability. Effiecient development and testing will also be emphasized. Students will work through many of their problems using Renasas SDK in both classes.

Lab Schedule

To schedule this lab, email ecehelp@ncsu.edu.


Model Dell Dimension 4600
Processor Pentium 4 2.8 GHz
RAM 1024 MB
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Number of Computers 12
Symantec Antivirus 10
Wolfcall 1.2.1/AFS/Kerberos
PDF Factory Pro 2.40
Microsoft Office 2003 SP2
Microsoft Logoff Screensaver
Acrobat Reader 7.0.3
X-win32 6.1.1/PuTTy 0.55
Ultimate Zip 2.7.1
TecPlot 10
Project 2003 SP2
Visio 2003 SP2
GhostScript/GhostView 8.51
Macromedia Flash Player
Macromedia Shockwave Player
Quicktime Player 6.5.2
RealPlayer 10.5
WinSCP 3.71
Matlab 7.1
Condor Client (Run Only) 6.6.10
Renesas SDK 
12 Agilent 100 MHz 54622D Oscilloscopes
6 Keithley 169 Multimeters
3 Fluke 8000A Multimeters
3 Tektronix CFG250 Multimeter 

Room Layout
