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[http://www.pptmagic.com/articles/dynamicppt.htm] Crafting PowerPoints that Work with AT
[http://www.nypl.org/styleguide/] NYPL Style Guide
[http://people.engr.ncsu.edu/jthurtea/articles/2006/csslayout.html] The Illuminating Web
[http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/] W3.org HTML Markup Guidelines
[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/] W3C CSS Guidelines

Revision as of 12:19, 27 July 2006

  • Use external styles sheets for presentation and minimize use inline or internal styles. Many browsers provide mechanisms to allow users to switch between style sheets letting the user set their own style.
  • Write the page in the correct reading order and then use <div> tags and CSS positioning to construct the physical layout of the web page.
  • Avoid fixed font sizes like 12 points or 12 pixels as they cannot be magnified. Use relative sizes like <font=3>, <font=120%> or <font=1.5 ems>. Some browsers, however, do not support EMS values less then 1.
  • Avoid using multiple font types or colors on one page as they can created a busy and cluttered appearance
  • Use relative sizes for container elements like tables, margins, <div>'s etc.
  • Provide a good contrast between background and foreground colors
  • Do not use color only to convey meaning
  • Avoid blinking and moving text. Do not use <blink> or <marque> tags.


[1] NYPL Style Guide

[2] The Illuminating Web

[3] W3.org HTML Markup Guidelines

[4] W3C CSS Guidelines