Web Accessibility:Validation Tools

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Pages must be evaluated using different techniques. Good accessibility checks require both human judgement necessitating manual checking and code validation. Code validators cannot determine the accessibility of web sites, they can only assist in accessibility checking.

Validation tools validate the code on the page against user selected criteria. Section 508 or W3C Web Accessibility (WCAG) Standards. They range from browser-based toolbars that testa page and visually display identified issues and errors; desktop applications that monitor, evaluate and help retrofit web pages; and server-based tools that spider web sites and generate accessibility compliance reports.

Below you will find a list of software tools to validate web content:

Lift Desktop Solution is installed as an extension of Macromedia DreamWeaver or Microsoft FrontPage to help evaluate, monitor and retrofit web pages from within the authoring tool.
[1]Lift Desktop Solution

LIFT Machine is a server based product from that scans both static and dynamic web sites for accessibility and usability issues and generates detailed reports.
[2]Lift Machine Server

Lift Assistive: TextTanscoder is a server-based tool that dynamically parses the content of a web page into a "Text Only" page, eliminating the need to maintain dual pages.
[3]Lift Assistive

AccVerify /Repair is a desktop tool from HiSoftware , also helps evaluate and retrofit web content and generate reports.

[5]Download software tools to validate and retrofit web content
[6]List of other free and commerical validation tools
[7]HiSoftware Cynthia Says is a web content accessibility validation solution, it is designed to identify errors in your content related to Section 508 standards and/or the WCAG guidelines. Checks only one page at a time.