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<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#CC0000" width="100%">
<tr><td align="left"> <font class="content"><b><a href="http://sysnews.ncsu.edu" class="wolftech">
<font color="#FFFFFF">NCSU Systems Updates</font></a></b></font></td>
</td></tr><TR><TD height="3" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></TD></TR>
############## \XML NEWS FEED\ ##############
// important settings for XML news feed
$num_stories_to_show = 5;
$num_stories = get_xml_news($news,$num_stories_to_show);
if( $num_stories < 1 ) { // oh no!
echo "<B>News service temporarily unavailable.</B>";
else {
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" class="news">
for( $f = 0 ; $f < $num_stories_to_show ; $f++ ) {
<tr valign="top">
<td align="top" nowrap>
<php> PRINT $news[$f][date]</php>
&nbsp;</td><td align="top" nowrap>
<php> PRINT $news[$f][time]</php>
</td><td align="top">&nbsp;-&nbsp;</td>
<td align="top"><a href="<php> PRINT $news[$f][link]</php>" class="news"><php> PRINT $news[$f][name]</php></a>
</td></tr><tr><td height="3"></td></tr>
} // end for for() loop
} // end of if/else
############## /XML NEWS FEED/ ##############

Revision as of 09:15, 10 April 2006

Blah Blah.

Most Recently Added Pages <newpages> limit=5 </newpages>

<php> include "display_news.inc.php"; $Show = new News(82); </php>


$TClook = '

<a href="news.php?tcID=2640">###EVENT_TITLE#20##</a>


$News = new News(82,'Yes','N');


<a href="http://sysnews.ncsu.edu" class="wolftech"> NCSU Systems Updates</a>

<php> require_once('xml_news.php');

                            1. \XML NEWS FEED\ ##############

// important settings for XML news feed $num_stories_to_show = 5; $num_stories = get_xml_news($news,$num_stories_to_show); if( $num_stories < 1 ) { // oh no! echo "News service temporarily unavailable."; } else { </php>

<php> for( $f = 0 ; $f < $num_stories_to_show ; $f++ ) { </php>

<php> } // end for for() loop </php>

<php> PRINT $news[$f][date]</php>


<php> PRINT $news[$f][time]</php>

 -  <a href="<php> PRINT $news[$f][link]</php>" class="news"><php> PRINT $news[$f][name]</php></a>

<php> } // end of if/else

                            1. /XML NEWS FEED/ ##############
