All projects are displayed first in alphabetical order of the selected department's principal investigators, then by the title of the project. Each individual project listed is formatted in the following way:
When exporting the report to a Word or PDF document, the same layout is followed with some minor differences. The word counts for each abstract are not displayed in the reports. Also, project ID numbers will be placed above the project title on both the report page and exported documents if the corresponding option is selected on the generator page. The borders and highlighting are also left out of the exported documents.
Here is an example of an entry in the correct format (notice the tag words such as "title" and "duration" do not appear):
In the reports which originated this tool, projects were only allowed to have abstracts with 150 words or less. To make sure that these abstracts are shortened, projects with an original abstract of more than 150 words are highlighted in yellow. The offending word count is also written in red text. To amend these project abstracts, the "Edit Abstract" option can be used to write an alternate abstract. Once all projects have an alternate abstract within the word limit, a report can be generated using the alternate abstracts. An example of a project with a word count over 150 words is shown here:
Abstracts may be edited by clicking on the "Edit Abstract" button in the bottom right of the project summary. This will bring up a pop-up window containing the original abstract and the alternate abstract for the project. Users may edit the alternate abstract as desired, and make save their changes by clicking on the "Save and Close" button in the bottom right corner of this window. Pressing CTRL-S will save the abstract without closing the editor. Please note that closing this editor without saving the abstract will discard any changes you may have made to the alternate abstract.