Teaching Lab Emails

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Teaching Labs Reservations


The ECE teaching labs are almost ready for the <blah> semester. The following classes are currently scheduled for teaching labs. No action is necessary, unless there are changes from last semester.

<list of courses>

If your class is not listed and you would like to use a teaching lab, please email ecehelp@ncsu.edu with the following information:

1.) How many computers and how many seats do you need.

2.) What OS/software do you need?

3.) What time slots do you need? Keep in mind, space is first-come, first-served.

For more information about our teaching labs, including the up-to-date schedules for <blah> semester, see http://www.wolftech.ncsu.edu/support/support/Teaching_Labs.

Teaching Lab Ready

The ECE Teaching Labs are now ready for the Spring 2007 semester. You are scheduled for the following lab:

Class: ECE <blah>
Lab: <blah> EBII

For more information about the ECE teaching labs, including up-to-date schedules, see http://www.wolftech.ncsu.edu/tlabs.

Please review the following important information and pass it along to your TAs. Also, please make sure you send me the names (and userids) of your TAs.

Physical Access

Access to the lab is by card access only. Most faculty and TAs already have the required access card. I have given the course instructor(s) access to the lab.

In order to give your TAs access, please send me a list of their names and UnityIDs (and if possible, their StudentID numbers -- this saves us A LOT of time when granting access). As a course instructor, you are my only reliable source of information regarding TAs for this class. If they change, please let me know. TAs which do not have a fob or card can get one from Marj Santoro in the main office.

If you would like your students to have access to the lab, let me know (same info as for the TAs please). While some students already have the necessary access card, most do not. They will need to purchase a fob ($10) or a badge ($15) from the AllCampus office in the West Dunn Building.

Computer Access

We are no longer using shared accounts (please note that this refers to Windows machines – if you’re in the Linux labs, you can ignore this section). Students should log in using their UnityID and password. This new system requires students to synchronize their password using the Unity Password Change Tool (http://www.ncsu.edu/password). There is an automatic system in place to notify students who have not synchronized their password, so all should be synchronized before your labs begin.

For more info, see http://www.wolftech.ncsu.edu/support/support/Active_Directory/PasswordSync.

If a student is unable to login to the computers in the teaching lab, they probably haven't synchronized their password. To fix this:

1.) A TA should login and open the Password Change Tool Webpage (http://www.ncsu.edu/password). 2.) The student can then synchronize their password by either "changing" their password to their current password, or by choosing a new password. 3.) The TA should then logout allowing the student to login.

If you have any questions or concerns about the lab, please let me know.