User:Erbingha/Junk Mail Controls

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You can train Mozilla Mail to recognize and filter unwanted junk mail. Mozilla uses a filtering technique to "learn" directly from you what to mark as junk and what to leave in your inbox.You can train Mozilla Mail to recognize and filter unwanted junk mail. Mozilla uses a filtering technique to "learn" directly from you what to mark as junk and what to leave in your inbox.

  • 1. Open Mozilla and go to Mail and Newsgroups
  • 2. Select Tools -> Junk Mail Controls
  • 3. Select Move incoming messages determined to be junk mail to: Junk on Local Folders
  • 4. Select When I manually mark messages as Junk: Move them to the "Junk" folder. Do not immediately delete Junk messages, as good messages will occasionally be marked as junk.
  • 5. Now start training Mozilla. Use one of Mozilla's many options to mark any junk messages in your Inbox as Junk. These messages will be whisked away to your Junk folder.
    • Highlight a junk message and click the Junk toolbar button
    • Right click on a message and select Mark as Junk or
    • Click the dot in the column under the Junk Status button to toggle the junk status on
  • 6. Continue the training. New incoming messages will be automatically classified as junk or not junk, based on your first junk selections. Initially Mozilla will miss many junk messages and mark many good messages as junk. This will improve with additional training.
    • Examine your Inbox for messages that should be marked as junk.
    • Look at the contents in your Junk folder often. Mark good messages as Not Junk and move them into the appropriate folder
      • Highlight a message marked as junk and click the Not Junk toolbar button
      • Right click on a message and select Mark As Not Junk o Click the dot in the column under the Junk Status button to toggle the junk status off
    • Take care not to use Junk in place of Trash. Make it a habit to mark new spam messages as junk and check your Junk folder regularly. This is an ongoing process. Spammers will continue to devise new methods for avoiding detection. Mozilla's Junk Mail controls and NCSU's SpamAssassin filters used in combination will make a significant impact in your battle against unwanted mail. Additional resources: Filtering Junk Mail with SpamAssassin Mozilla Spam Filtering