User:Pgmurphy/Script Notes/New ECE Grad Student Account Notifier

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New ECE Grad Student Account Notifier


  1. Welcome to ECE/Account created
    1. Notify ECE graduate students, staff, and faculty that an account has been created for them and they need to change their password.
    2. Pull data from GuardDog using group id 6161, 60759, and 61979.
    3. Detect accounts created in AD in the last 24 hours.
  2. Password Sync Nag
    1. Courses
      1. Notifies members of course groups that they need to synchronize their password.


  1. How many ECE accounts are currently sync'd (as of 11/17/2006)?
    1. Grad Students?
      • (378/558) 68 %
    2. Ugrad Students?
      • (788/1031) 76 %
    3. ECE Courses
      • (1124/1519) 74 %
    4. Faculty?
      • (79/103) 77 %
    5. Staff (including RAs/TAs)?
      • (284/321) 88 %
    6. RAs/TAs?
      • (192/199) 96 %


How do we create accounts now?

  1. Query curriculum codes from curr_vue table in Sybase. Search students OU in LDAP for people with those curriculum codes.
  2. Search employees OU in LDAP for users with ouc’s for supported colleges
  3. Query users registered for classes in supported colleges in stu_crs_wolftech table in Sybase.

Information I would like from Guard Dog?

  1. Array of faculty given a department.
  2. Array of staff given a department.
  3. Array of students given a curriculum code.
  4. Array of curriculum codes given a department.
  5. Array of RAs given a department.
  6. Array of ECE graduate students.
$List = new hierHelp(6161);
$GradStudentList = $List->getGroupUsers();

Who do we want to notify to sync their password?

  1. ECE grad students

How to find ECE grad students?

  1. Title=Graduate Students
  2. Get curr’s from Sybase.curr_vue where ouc=140401. Search students OU in LDAP for ncsuCurriculumCode=code and title=Doctoral Student or title=Graduate Student.

How to find ECE RAs?

  • Search employees OU in LDAP for ouc=140488 and title=Graduate Research Asst


  • Search employees OU in LDAP for ou=Electrical and Computer Engineering Grads and Temps and title=Graduate Research Asst

Note: ouc=140488 and ou=Electrical and Computer Engineering Grads and Temps currently produce the same results.

How to find ECE TAs?

  • Search employees OU in LDAP for ouc=140488 and title=Graduate Teaching Asst


  • Search employees OU in LDAP for ou=Electrical and Computer Engineering Grads and Temps and title=Graduate Teaching Asst

Note: ouc=140488 and ou=Electrical and Computer Engineering Grads and Temps currently produce the same results.