Teaching Labs/1014 EB2

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Revision as of 13:45, 27 February 2006 by Djgreen (talk | contribs)
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The Computer Organization and Logic Lab is used by the ECE 206, Introduction to Computer Organization, classes. The class itself introduces students to the key ideas of effieciently organizing a computer, not only the hardware but the software as well. The lab will reinforce these concepts by giving students exposure to basic computer software and hardware. Microprocessor design, switching circuits, and direct memory access are some of the hardware concepts students will work with, while logic access, assembly language programming, and number representation are some of the software ideas students will deal with. ECE 206 students will also familiarize themselves with the LC3 and Cygwin, both unique to this class and lab.

Lab Schedule

EB II 1014 Lab Schedule

The schedule is subject to change at anytime, so check back often. To schedule this lab, email ecehelp@ncsu.edu.


Model: Dell Dimension 4400
Processor: Pentium 4 1.7 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Number of Computers: 12
Symantec Antivirus 10
Wolfcall 1.2.1/AFS/Kerberos
PDF Factory Pro 2.40
Microsoft Office 2003 SP2
Microsoft Logoff Screensaver
Acrobat Reader 7.0.3
X-win32 6.1.1/PuTTy 0.55
Ultimate Zip 2.7.1
TecPlot 10
Project 2003 SP2
Visio 2003 SP2
GhostScript/GhostView 8.51
Macromedia Flash Player
Macromedia Shockwave Player
Quicktime Player 6.5.2
RealPlayer 10.5
WinSCP 3.71
Matlab 7.1
Condor Client (Run Only) 6.6.10
Cygwin (gcc, gdb)
Visual Slickedit 9.0  

Room Layout
