User:Rewood/ACS Mission

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The mission of Administrative Computing Services is to provide the campus community efficient and effective access to the University's administrative information by: The mission of Administrative Computing Services is to provide the campus community efficient and effective access to the University's administrative information by: *Providing application development and support for University administrative applications (student systems; receipt-supported departments via contract programming); *Developing specialized applications for various functions with Finance and Business in order to maximize emerging technologies; *Being the custodian of University administrative databases; *Providing database administration and data warehousing functions for supported databases; *Providing and maintaining the University's administrative computer infrastructure; *Providing connectivity to administrative applications, other data sources within the University, and non-university specific business applications external to the University; *Providing maintenance and backup support for external departmental servers; *Providing assistance to customers in support of the administrative environment via the Solutions Center; *Maintaining security for administrative applications; *Providing production support for the batch and online administrative environments; *Providing support for electronic exchange of information; *Conducting research on new technology including the PeopleSoft environment; *Coordinating Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity planning efforts; and *Working closely with other University units to ensure optimal capability of the University to conduct its business.