Please visit for official documentation.
Your Unity ID has 8 or fewer characters and is automatically generated from your name in a two-step procedure:
- A string of letters is created using the initials of your first and middle names and the first six letters of your last name, all in lower case.
- If this string matches one previously created for someone else, the last letter will be replaced with or followed by a numeral. Here are some examples:
- George William Abernathy's would be "gwaberna."
- Mary Jones Smith's Unity ID would be "mjsmith."
- Melissa Jane Smith's would be "mjsmith2" because of the duplicated letters.
If you don't know your Unity ID, it may be frustrating or time-consuming to try guessing it, since it might contain a numeral. Contact the NC State Help Desk during normal business hours if you need help determining it.
Using your Unity ID together with your password, you can:
- Access your campus-based email.
- Access any workstation in a Unity or Eos lab.
- Manage files in your personal AFS file space.
- Access certain NC State web pages that are not available to the public.
- Access the Pack Tracks system ( to register for classes, review your class schedules and waitlist status, view your transcript and make address changes.
- Read articles on electronic reserve through Library Services (
- Turn in homework electronically using tools such as WebAssign.
Change Password
Once I've come up with a new password, how do I replace my old one? You can change your Unity password online by filling out and submitting the form found at
It may take up to one hour after you change your password for the new one to take effect. If you log in and your new password does not work, try the old one. Being logged in under the old password will not keep the new one from becoming active.
Student accounts are deactivated on census day (the last day of drop-add) of the first semester that a student is not registered. When an account is deactivated, no one will be able to log in with that userid or have access to files stored under it.
So if you graduated during the Fall semester, expect your account to be disabled near the end of the following Febuary; if you graduated in Spring (or Summer), expect it to be disabled late September.
Accounts are deleted one year after account deactivation.
Extended access for newly graduated students
Computing Services will extend recent graduates' access to their e-mail and Unity/Eos file space for four months after graduation. This policy is being offered as a courtesy to help the many students who use e-mail and Web resumes as part of their job search and career planning strategies. While recent graduates will not be able to login to public workstations in campus computing facilities (such as Unity labs), after graduation they will be able access e-mail and file space remotely; Web pages on the server will remain accessible via the Internet while accounts are active.
WolfTech Account
Temporary Accounts
NoPay Accounts
Making Guests Permanent -- NoPay NCSU Accounts
NCSU has the ability (once again this is at the departmental/unit level) to create Unity accounts for individuals that are associated with the University, but are neither students nor on payroll. These are referred to as NoPay accounts. It’s a slight complicated procedure, but basically, someone in the department vouches for an outsider to have access. Example: Tom Conte has some researchers at Intel that he works with. They require access to some of his systems/websites. Tom comes to me and requests that we extend a NoPay account to them. Assuming I agree (some basic usage/access questions are always asked), the outsider fills out a form we have for the purpose of collecting the HR information that is required. UnityID accounts are now COMPLETELY tied to the NCSU HR system -- one is not created without the person being entered into our HR systems.
FYI - This is not a good thing as it has increased the time to get a UnityID from 24hrs to 2 weeks, but that’s the way it is.
Our form:
NOMAD Accounts
Wireless AP that are not on the NOMAD network
While NC State does allow Non-NOMAD wireless on campus (, it does place this at the discretion of the academic unit (ie, college or department).
Frankly, this is not something we want to encourage. Outside of specific wireless research projects, all wireless at NC State should be on the NOMAD network. We'd end up with countless overlapping networks that just confuse both the IT people (who inevitably end up having to fix it) and the students who *see* the network. Add the fact that most people have no clue what they're doing, especially when it comes to SECURING a wireless network (which by the way, generally doesn't happen)... Cheap wireless APs also have a tendency to get hacked...
Should the private wireless network in ANY WAY affect a nearby/overlapping NOMAD network, it will be removed by central IT.