Classes & Courseware

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Here at NC State University, there are various eductional online resources available to help facilitate the exchange of important information between instructors and students. Through the allocation of online space, along with the use of online testing and homework tools, NC State enhances the educational experience through the use of technology and communication.


If you have been around NC State at all in the past three years, you are sure to know what WolfWare is by now. Developed and built by the Department of Computer Science, COE Information Technology and Engineering Computer Services, and PAMS, this handy tool allows for teachers and students to get the most out of their classes.

What WolfWare offers is a web-based environment used to manage and simplify the delivery of course material to students from teachers. The entire system is based on making the most efficient system with as little technical knowledge required as possible. This allows for the emphasis to be placed entirely upon the content of the course, with as few distractions as possible.

The common, everyday web browser is the interface by which both faculty and students will access and submit content. WolfWare looks to Registration and Records and automatically composes a standard template for each and every course. Administration of these facilities is then given to the instructors. Instructors are able to create and edit content with any web authoring tool. This is due to WolfWare being both browser and system independent.


An e-mail list of class roles is automatically generated from Registration and Records. Instructors can quickly and easily contact all the students in his or her class. Another feature of WolfWare is the ability to create a message board--giving students and faculty an arena to discuss class topics outside of the typical classroom environment. Teachers may also integrate homework submission and solutions into their website. In general, WolfWare alleviates students needs to hunt around the NC State website for some tidbit of information. WolfWare is a focal point for out of class interaction between students and instructors.

Requesting a WolfWare locker

To request a wolfware locker, simply fill out the online request form, located here: Only faculty requests for locker space may be granted. All faculty are expected to request their own lockers every semester. If teaching a Summer Session, faculty must indicate the duration of the class (ie. 6 week, vs. 10 week). Requests are received and processed at 7am and 3pm daily. Those granted locker space will receive a confirmation email, indicating the creation of the new locker.

Course Workspace

In addition to faculty locker space, instructors in the College of Engineering may request additional quota for their students when a course's file-storage requirements exceed what students have in their Unity file space. This augmented quota is provided free of charge in a separate "workspace" locker for each student in the course (user IDs supplied by Wofware rolls). It is not added to the student's individual account quota. For more information on course workspace locker requests, see the workspace request page.

For additional information and answers to frequently asked questions pertaining to Wolfware, please visit Any additional questions may be directed to the Wolfware helpdesk by sending an email to Any questions pertaining to ECE Wolfware locker approval only, please contact the ece-webmaster.

WebCT Vista

WebCT Vista is an academic enterprise system that supports online education. Students and Instructors alike can benefit from the many tools offered by WebCT Vista. Many of these are included in the Virtual Course Environment:

  • Communication Tools (Discussion board, Chat Room, Whiteboard)
  • Content Tools (Learning Modules, Search, Selective Release, Media Library, Glossary)
  • Evaluation Tools (Quizzes, Surveys, Self-Tests, Assignments)
  • Classroom Management Tools (Gradebook, Reports and Tracking, Group Sign-Up Sheets, Announcements)

For additional information and answers to frequently asked questions, visit


This highly praised and effective online educational tool was developed here at NC State. Instructors may choose to receive assignments through WebAssign, which makes collection and grading easier. Answer format can range anywhere from multiple choice, short answer and fill in the blank, to graphing. WebAssign includes a personalized calendar, tests and quizzes, automatic grading and analysis of scores, and much more. Numerous textbooks from various disciplines are used by WebAssign as well. For more information on WebAssign, feel free to visit NC State's online WebAssign FAQ.

Please be aware that, due to a restructuring of NC State's WebAssign license agreement, students will be required to pay an additional $8.00 to access any courses using WebAssign resources.

Distance Education

Stub for future DE section of the site.

IDEA Grants

DELTA is providing assistance to NCSU faculty and staff in the form of personnel hours and funds to support planning, design and development of high-quality distance education courses, programs and resources. DELTA’s Innovation in Distributed Education Applications (IDEA) grants are provided to promote innovation in the use of instructional technology in online teaching and learning, build expertise in this area, and enhance the technology-rich learning environment at North Carolina State University.

IDEA Course grants are for those who are creating or improving a Distance Education course. Course grant applications will be easier to submit and will not require a detailed budget as in the past – all grant recipients will be awarded $8,000. IDEA Exploratory grants allow the investigation of a new (to NCSU) technology or explore a new application of technology to teaching & learning (e.g., blogs, eportfolios, wikis). More information about the two types of grants can be found in the RFP.

Instructional Grants

For many years the NC State University's Instructional Grants Program has helped faculty and departments explore new ways of teaching courses and improving curricula. The Instructional Grants Program encourages and supports innovative and creative activities for teaching and learning enhancement at NC State University. Individuals proposing projects related to inquiryguided learning or service-learning are especially encouraged to apply for funding. Approximately $20,000 is available for three types of grants:

  • Grants to faculty for innovations in their courses (award not to exceed $3,000).
  • Grants to departments for innovative projects involving curricula or course groups that may be

conducted over a one- or two-year period (award not to exceed $7,500).

  • Grants to support faculty travel to conferences or workshops focused on teaching.

A subcommittee of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) Advisory Committee evaluates the proposals and makes funding recommendations to the Provost. Successful proposals from previous years may be reviewed in the FCTL offices. They are merely illustrations and are not intended to define boundaries of what might be funded. Innovation is encouraged.

Proposed projects have the potential to improve student learning, are innovative, can be implemented, will be assessed, and may be useful to others.