Teaching Labs/1020 EB2

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The Microelectronics Lab, like the Analog and Digital Circuits Lab, is another one of our most updated and advanced labs. Each workstation, save one, has a computer, flat panel monitor, oscilloscope, multimeter, function generator, and DC power supply for two partners to work at. The last workstation has a large microscope and a logic analyzer for the students to use. There is also a second logic analyzer for students to use if the first one is already being used.

ECE 302, Microelectronics, holds their laboratory sessions in the Microelectronics Lab. Microelectronics is the introduction to the physics of semiconductors such as PN Junctions, BJTs, and MOS field effect transistors, as well as differential and operational amplifiers. Each field will also be broken up into many sub-fields that will go into more detailed concepts of how microelectronics works. The laboratory sessions are used to reinforce the concepts discussed in class. Students also make use of the lab to use Cadence PSD and PSPICE Student Edition software.

Lab Schedule

1003 EB2 Schedule

The schedule is subject to change at anytime, so check back often. To schedule this lab, email ecehelp@ncsu.edu.


Model: Dell Dimension 4600
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0 GHz
RAM: 1024 MB
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Number of Computers: 13
Symantec Antivirus 10
Wolfcall 1.2.1/AFS/Kerberos
PDF Factory Pro 2.40
Microsoft Office 2003 SP2
Acrobat Reader 7.0.3
X-win32 6.1.1/PuTTy 0.55
Ultimate Zip 2.7.1
TecPlot 10.6
Project 2003 SP2
Visio 2003 SP2
GhostScript/GhostView 8.51
Macromedia Flash Player
Macromedia Shockwave Player
Quicktime Player 6.5.2
RealPlayer 10.5
WinSCP 3.7.6
Matlab 7.2
GIMP 2.2.8
JMP 6.0
Maple 10.03
Visual Slickedit 9.0
Cadence PSD 15.1.061
PSPICE Student Edition 
13 Dell Flat Panel Monitors 
13 HP E3631A DC Power Supplys
13 HP 33120A 15 MHz Function Generators
13 HP 54600B 100 MHz Generators
13 Agilent 34401A Digital Multimeters 
2 Agilent 4155C Semiconductor Parameter Analyzers 
1 Giant Microscope 



Room Layout
