Room sign-in system and usage tracker
It's quick and easy to add a room to a building to start keeping records on the comings and goings of your users.
To add a room as a room manager, you select a building then enter a room name and contact email. That's all that's needed to begin recording!
Want to be a room manager? All you need to do is request access. Provide your email address and a justification for access and we'll evaluate it promptly.
Once your room is added, print out your room posters and place them at any entrances. The posters have QR codes that can be quickly scanned with a phone camera. Scanning the code will bring users to a page where they can check in/out of the room.
When a person checks in or out of a room, we track who they are along with what time the transaction happened. Room managers can view the history of these transactions and even export them to Excel by room, building, and/or date.
Additionally, anyone can view how many people are in any given room by going to the Current Activity page.
Forgetful users? Room managers can also manually sign a user our of a room. Stay on top of your users to encourage better safety and more accurate tracking.
By reliably and accurately tracking users, it is much easier to gauge the activity of your rooms and cross-reference any overlap among your users.
Use RoomSign to help track and enforce social distancing in your rooms.
In order to ensure safe utilization of common, teaching, or laboratory spaces, please ensure that all occupants are signing in - and out - of spaces at all times.
Social distancing is designed to limit the spread of a disease by reducing the opportunities for close contact between people. Avoid face-to-face interaction whenever possible and limit contact with surfaces.
Try to maintain at least six feet (6') of distance from one another when in any form of group setting, and avoid touching, shaking hands, or sharing materials.