Active Directory/Service Groups
There are a number of people critical to the success of the WolfTech Active Directory domain. While many provide encouragement, support, and assistance when asked by the community, the following service groups have agreed to provide support for specific key sections of the domain.
NCSU AD Policy Committee
One of the results of the Identity Management - Active Directory committee was to determine not only the choice to use the WolfTech Active Directory domain as the campus default, but to establish two committees which will be charged with the responsibility to oversee the domain.
The Policy Committee will be responsible for all non-technical issues related to the domain; while not an exhaustive list, this will include:
- Domain Layout and Structure
- Planning and Establishment of new OU units
- Default Domain Group Policies
- Funding
- Related Documentation and Reporting
- Responsibilities and requirements of member units and OU Administrators
Membership of this committee will include the following makeup (for a maximum of 8 members):
- Chair: Dan Green (djgreen)
- The chair of the Technical Group: Billy Beaudoin (wrbeaudo)
- 4 representatives from the colleges: Joshua Gira (jjgira) [CNR]; Joey Jenkins (jmjenki3) [Design]; Daniel Henninger (daniel) [CHASS]; Wes Thibodeaux (wlthibod) [Libraries]
- 1 from OIT: Dan Evans (dlevans) [OIT Client Services]
- 1 at‐large: Tom Farwig (tmfarwig) [OIT Learning Spaces]
Website (Agendas, Minutes, Meeting Schedule):
NCSU AD Technical Committee
The other committee formed by the Identity Management - Active Directory committee was the Technical Committee, which will be responsible for all technical implementation and security issues related to the domain; while not an exhaustive list, this will include:
- Security
- Domain-level Implementations/Automation/Upgrades
- Test Domain
Membership of this committee will include the following makeup (for a maximum of 8 members):
- Chair: Billy Beaudoin (wrbeaudo)
- The chair of the Policy Group: Dan Green (djgreen)
- Domain Admin: Derek Ballard (ddballar)
- Domain Admin: John Klein (jaklein)
- Domain Admin: Kevin Swann (kmswann2)
- Security: Tim Gurganus (tsgurgan)
- OU Admin: Richard Norris (rdnorris)
- OU Admin: Ryan Leap (srleap)
Website (Agendas, Minutes, Meeting Schedule):
Domain Controllers and Central File Servers
The heart of the domain, the domain controllers allow authentication and authorization services to all computers, groups, and users. The domain administrators are responsible for all upkeep of these critical servers. The central file servers include the DFS root servers and the primary application package servers.
Domain Administrators: Dan Green (djgreen), Billy Beaudion (wrbeaudo), Derek Ballard (ddballar).
WDS Service Group
Windows Deployment Services (WDS) provides a convenient way to install Windows onto computers, both via network distribution and via CD/DVD distribution. WDS also provides mechanisms for automating Windows' installations, allowing users to completely reinstall Windows - without any interaction on their part - oftentimes in as little as 45 minutes. The WDS leads are responsible for implementing and maintaining the WDS infrastructure, as well as providing a core set of operating system images to the campus community.
Leads: Alan Gerber (agerber), Michael Underwood (mpunderw)
For more info about WDS, see:
For documentation and technical support for WDS on the WolfTech Domain: WDS section of AD Documentation
WSUS Service Group
WolfTech's WSUS Service provides a convenient way to automatically keep your computer up-to-date with the latest software updates from Microsoft. The prompt installation of security updates is critical to the security of the NC State University Network. The WSUS leads are responsible for the maintanance of the WSUS server, the timely approval of patches, and the communication of monthly patch releases to the community.
Leads: Dan Green (djgreen), Joshua Gira (jjgira), Joe Wells (jrwells)
For more info about WSUS, see:
For documentation and technical support for WSUS on the WolfTech Domain: WSUS section of AD Documentation