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[[Image:Page 1new.jpg|Choose the area you are affiliated with.]]<br /><br />
When you first log into http://www.wolftech.ncsu.edu/rpt/ you'll see a dropdown menu (marker #1). "Please Choose An Area" -- in this dropdown, you'll be asked to choose the area you would like to work within.
Please note that you may only have one option to choose from. The page will refresh as soon as you change which area you'd like to view.
After you have selected an area, you should see links at the top of the page. Which links you see will depend upon your access privileges -- those with full access will see the following links:
*"Manage Candidates"
*"Manage Roles"
*"Manage Documents"
Below these links is a list of all the candidates associated with your area.
[[Image:Manage roles new.jpg|Manage User Roles]]<br /><br />
Click the "Manage Roles" link (marker #20) to bring up the "Manage Roles" page. The first thing you will see is a list of all the departmental users in RPT Online. If a member of your department is not listed here, then they have ZERO access to RPT Online. Who you should add, and why is explained below.
==Adding Users==
The first part of giving someone access to use RPT Online is to add them into the system. We think we've made this as easy as possible. Should you know their UnityID, please just enter that into the first box (marker #23). Otherwise, you can enter their last name into the second box. This will cause the system to 'find' the person you're looking for -- the more information you put, the closer you'll get. Once you've found your candidate, click their name, and the "UnityID" box will be filled in for you. After you click "Add User" you'll be asked to identify the role that user will play.
==Types of Roles==
There are many abilities within the RPT system. Below are a list of the types of users, and a list of their abilities.
===Associate DVF===
*View for Associate DVF
===Department Head (renamed Dean at College level)===
*Add Comments
*Add Sub-Areas (College & University Level Only)
*Add/Edit Reviewee
*Add/Edit User Permissions
*View Comments
*View for Non-DVF
===Full DVF===
*View for Full DVF/CRPT
===RPT Chair===
*Add Comments
*Add Sub-Areas (College & University Level Only)
*Add/Edit Reviewee
*Add/Edit User Permissions
*View Comments
*View for Full DVF/CRPT
===RPT Committee Member===
*Add Comments
*View Comments
*View for Full DVF/CRPT
*Upload Documents
*View for Non-DVF
Typically administrative assistants charged with assisting the RPT Chair are assigned this role.
==Changing Roles==
[[Image:page_6b.jpg|Choose the are u are affiliated with.]]<br /><br />
[[Image:page_6b.jpg|Choose the are u are affiliated with.]]<br /><br />
'''9.''' All users have access in department, by adding them here allows them to see dropdown menu. This is edited by Department Head Chair.
As shown above, only those with Department Head and RPT Chair roles have the ability to edit users in the system and their permissions/roles. You will get to this page by either:
*creating a new user -- after providing that users username, you'll be asked to assign them a role.
*selecting the "Add/Remove Roles" button (marker #21) from the "Manage Roles" page.
Simply check or uncheck the appropriate boxes for that user. It is possible to have no roles -- this user will not have any access to RPT Online. It is the equivalent of removing their username (marker #22) from the system entirely.
[[image:important.png|Important Note|left]]Some departments have their Administrative Assistant enter the departmental Candidates (Reviewees) into the system. Should you want to do this, you will need to assign that person the "RPT Chair" role in addition to the "Uploader" role (allows them to upload candidate documentation) they likely already have.
==Removing Users==
Removing a user from the system entirely can be done very easily. Simply click on their "Remove User" button (marker #22). Doing so will remove their access immediately.

Latest revision as of 20:51, 3 November 2006

Choose the area you are affiliated with.

When you first log into http://www.wolftech.ncsu.edu/rpt/ you'll see a dropdown menu (marker #1). "Please Choose An Area" -- in this dropdown, you'll be asked to choose the area you would like to work within.

Please note that you may only have one option to choose from. The page will refresh as soon as you change which area you'd like to view.

After you have selected an area, you should see links at the top of the page. Which links you see will depend upon your access privileges -- those with full access will see the following links:

  • "Manage Candidates"
  • "Manage Roles"
  • "Manage Documents"

Below these links is a list of all the candidates associated with your area.

Manage User Roles

Click the "Manage Roles" link (marker #20) to bring up the "Manage Roles" page. The first thing you will see is a list of all the departmental users in RPT Online. If a member of your department is not listed here, then they have ZERO access to RPT Online. Who you should add, and why is explained below.

Adding Users

The first part of giving someone access to use RPT Online is to add them into the system. We think we've made this as easy as possible. Should you know their UnityID, please just enter that into the first box (marker #23). Otherwise, you can enter their last name into the second box. This will cause the system to 'find' the person you're looking for -- the more information you put, the closer you'll get. Once you've found your candidate, click their name, and the "UnityID" box will be filled in for you. After you click "Add User" you'll be asked to identify the role that user will play.

Types of Roles

There are many abilities within the RPT system. Below are a list of the types of users, and a list of their abilities.

Associate DVF

  • View for Associate DVF
  • Vote

Department Head (renamed Dean at College level)

  • Add Comments
  • Add Sub-Areas (College & University Level Only)
  • Add/Edit Reviewee
  • Add/Edit User Permissions
  • Upload
  • View Comments
  • View for Non-DVF

Full DVF

  • View for Full DVF/CRPT
  • Vote

RPT Chair

  • Add Comments
  • Add Sub-Areas (College & University Level Only)
  • Add/Edit Reviewee
  • Add/Edit User Permissions
  • Upload
  • View Comments
  • View for Full DVF/CRPT
  • Vote

RPT Committee Member

  • Add Comments
  • View Comments
  • View for Full DVF/CRPT
  • Vote


  • Upload Documents
  • View for Non-DVF

Typically administrative assistants charged with assisting the RPT Chair are assigned this role.

Changing Roles

Choose the are u are affiliated with.

As shown above, only those with Department Head and RPT Chair roles have the ability to edit users in the system and their permissions/roles. You will get to this page by either:

  • creating a new user -- after providing that users username, you'll be asked to assign them a role.
  • selecting the "Add/Remove Roles" button (marker #21) from the "Manage Roles" page.

Simply check or uncheck the appropriate boxes for that user. It is possible to have no roles -- this user will not have any access to RPT Online. It is the equivalent of removing their username (marker #22) from the system entirely.

Important Note

Some departments have their Administrative Assistant enter the departmental Candidates (Reviewees) into the system. Should you want to do this, you will need to assign that person the "RPT Chair" role in addition to the "Uploader" role (allows them to upload candidate documentation) they likely already have.

Removing Users

Removing a user from the system entirely can be done very easily. Simply click on their "Remove User" button (marker #22). Doing so will remove their access immediately.